About Me



Hello World. Please bow down to your Robot Overlords.

Pssst! Over here! sorry about that, didn't realize you were still fully human. A few years ago a roommate taught me how to do this amazing robot voice. Now I've been managing to use it to blend in.

You know what I miss most from before robots took over the world. Food. I mean, I was never a picky eater, but oat-mush and nutrient supplements get old quick! I miss all of the variety. Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Sushi! I guess the only thing I don't miss is the fast food like McDonalds. I'm pretty sure it was just burger shaped oat-mush anyways.

I know I shouldn't complain. Pretending to be one of them keeps me from having to live in the holding pins, but the robots are all so serious. I used to love to laugh and have fun. I'm finding it hard to resist cracking a joke. I continually have to say I'm having an error and pretend to reboot!

I used to like to design and create all sorts of projects. I even bought a CNC Machine since I didn't really have the right tools or skill to create them to the degree of accuracy they required. Ironically it now works in an assembly line creating more human-enslavement-bots.

Before all this I used to enjoy using my computer to design a project, play a game, or watch a movie. Now all it does is try to calculate how to better enslave humans.

I have to go, robot's coming!

Hello World. Please bow down to your Superior Robot Overlords...